UK NGO shelters harassed lady in accommodation in London

It is quite wisely said, “Watch your thoughts, because your thoughts become your words, watch your words because your words become your actions, watch your actions because your actions become your habits, watch your habits because your habits bec0me your character, watch your character because your character become your destiny.”

The video shared projects how this meaningful saying proves its worth; a soldier who has harassed a girl and did not keep a check on his thoughts had to reach a horrible destiny. A destiny that grabbed his life from him as he was sentenced to death and people took contribution in it.

On one side where this punishment satisfied the relatives of the lady that became victim of soldier’s bad actions and on the other side effected lady was offered accommodation in London by UK. A promise of her psychological treatment and continue in study was made by UK officials as a justice.

Though the issue rose kept on solving itself with the passage of time but the question is that what if some other lady near future becomes victim of such crime and is followed by number of ladies further. How much accommodation in London can UK manage? Focus must be on eliminating the root cause of problem so that no such sufferings are repeated.