Camel Jumps At Tourist In Front Of Ambassador Hotel and the news channel also reported the same thing. News channel guys found heard about the snake like animal that has been digging the ground near the graveyard. It was so scary that people decided to ask Apologies from Almighty. Religious people also said that something strange was seen from the door of the apartments and then they called the officials of that society.
The cleaning staff working in Ambassador Hotel also found that they had witnessed the strange animal and they came back to their apartments since it was so scary. After watching and catching that animal, some people asked everyone else to stop doing bad acts in the world otherwise that animal might eat them after death.
Many people watched that animal from the TV fixed in Ambassador Hotel and they could not believe their eyes. The animal looked like a snake but was quite different from the other animals. It has surprised the whole world as nobody has ever watched the animal like it. Due to the appearance of the snake like animal, it looked very scary and people were allowed to take pictures. When people said that it kept on digging the grave, small children were scared.